- Startsida torsby.se
- / Kommun & politik
- / EU-valet 2024
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- Kommunkansliet
- Telefon: +4656016000
- E-post: torsby.kommun@torsby.se
- Postadress:
- Torsby kommun
- 1. Kommunkansliet
- 685 80 Torsby
- Besöksadress: Nya Torget 8, Torsby
- Maria Altonen
- Projektadministratör
- Tfn: +4656016635
- Mobil: +46702430732
- E-post: maria.altonen@torsby.se
- Besöksadress: Torget 5, Sysslebäck
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Other languages
On June 9, 2024, it is time to choose who will represent Sweden in the European Parliament for the next 5 years. If you want to read about how to vote, you can read here.
On the Election Authority's website Other languages - Valmyndigheten Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster., you can find information about the election in a variety of languages. There are instructions on how to vote. You can also listen to the information via the Election Authority's website.
If you do not find information in your language, you are welcome to contact the election committee's office on 0560-166 35 or valn@torsby.se and we will try to help you as best we can.
Innehållsansvarig: Maria Altonen
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