- Startsida torsby.se
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Welcome to Torsby Municipality!
On these pages you will find a selection of the information that is available on the website of Torsby Municipality.
Whether you are a current or newly arrived resident, or merely interested to know more about Torsby, this guide to Torsby will provide useful information.
Our aim is to provide information about municipal services and thereby better safeguard our citizens' safety and well-being.
- Some facts about Torsby
- Moving to Torsby
- Education and child care
- Social services and health care
- Culture, sport and recreation
- Housing and environment
- Business and jobs
- Torsby Airport
- Local government
- Emergencies and crisis
- Online municipal services
Information is also available through:
Torsby Nu bulletin
Torsby's own information bulletin is distributed four times a year to all households and businesses in the municipality. If you do not live here but would like to receive "Torsby Nu", you can have it sent to your residential address by contacting the municipal reception desk.
You can also read Torsby Nu online in Swedish.
Contact us
You are always welcome to contact us when you have a question about the municipality or its services.
Call the municipal reception desk at: +46560160 00
E-mail address: torsby.kommun@torsby.se
Visiting address: Nya Torget 8, Torsby
Office in Sysslebäck: Torget 5, Sysslebäck
Tourist information
For more information on things to see and to do in Torsby, go to their website www.visittorsby.se.
You can also contact the tourist office directly:
Call the tourist office at: +4656016050
E-mail address: turist@torsby.se
Visiting address: Järnvägsgatan 9, Torsby
Innehållsansvarig: Annette Lauritzen
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