Torsby kommun
Torsby kommun



  • Annette Lauritzen
  • Kommunikationsstrateg
  • Tfn: +4656016004
  • Mobil: +46703896004
  • E-post:
  • Besöksadress: Nya Torget 8, Torsby

Online municipal services

Torsby Municipality works continually to provide more information and services online. These are a few examples from the contents of our website.

Forms and e-services

Our ambition is to provide all necessary forms needed in your contact with the municipality online, ready for downloading or as an e-service. Visit the service of your interest on our website for more information:

Opening hours

What are the opening hours of the recycling station? Does the municipal office close earlier on certain holidays? When is the swimming pool or the library open? You will find all opening hours of municipal services online.

Addresses and telephone numbers

On top of each page there is up-to-date contact information for the service you are visiting online. You can also get in touch directly with someone of our staff or a politician:

Search for local politicians

Fees and grants

You will also find information online about how much you need to pay for municipal services, such as childcare, waste collection and water. The municipality also provides grants, amongst others to clubs and associations. Go to the service of your interest on our website for more information.

Agendas and minutes

Agendas and minutes of the Municipal Council, the Municipal Executive Committee and all other committees are published online one week in advance of the meeting.

Events and sightseeing

Check to read news about events in the area. Here you can find great tips and ideas about what to do today or next weekend.

Help us make our website better

We want to make our website as comprehensive and user-friendly as possible. Please let us know your comments, complaints or tips so that we can further improve our online information and services. If you find something you are especially pleased with, please let us know and tell others too!

For issues concerning information content, structure and layout, please contact Annette Lauritzen, tel. +46 560 160 04 or

For issues concerning technical matters, functions, accessibility etcetera, please contact Annelie Lindberg, tel. +46 560 160 02 or

Innehållsansvarig: Annette Lauritzen
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