Torsby kommun
Torsby kommun

Torsby Airport

The airline service between Torsby and Stockholm Arlanda is ideal for both short and longer travel. The route is used by both business and private travelers. Experience genuine countryside here in the area of Torsby municipality in northern Värmland, or pulsating city-life within little more than one hour.

Flying fast and comfortable to and from Torsby in northern Värmland

  • A one way trip between Torsby and Arlanda and vice versa takes little over one hour
  • Free parking at Torsby Airport
  • Quick and easy check-in

Three main actors

There are three main actors at Torsby Airport:

  • Jonair, the airline company operating the regular airline service Stockholm Arlanda – Hagfors/Torsby.
  • Wermlandsflyg, a local airline company offering national and international business services.
  • Torsby Flying Club, a local association which offers amongst others classes and certification for glider flying.

Ticket booking and inquiries about booking and timetables

At Jonair Booking.

Contact Torsby Airport
tel: +46 560 10654

Innehållsansvarig: Martin Berglund
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