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- / Some facts about Torsby
- Kommunstyrelsens förvaltning
- Telefon: +4656016004
- E-post: annette.lauritzen@torsby.se
- Postadress:
- Torsby kommun
- 1. Strategiavdelningen
- 685 80 Torsby
- Besöksadress: Nya Torget 8, Torsby
Some facts about Torsby
Here are some facts and figures about Torsby: its location, size and population.
Torsby is located in the north of the province of Värmland. It is the largest municipality in this province, covering an area of 4 162,2 square kilometres and thereby making up nearly one fourth of the total area of the province (24 %). Torsby Municipality shares borders with four other Swedish municipalities (Malung-Sälen, Arvika, Sunne and Hagfors) and five Norwegian (Trysil, Åsnes, Grue, Kongsvinger and Våler).
The population of Torsby Municipality as of December 31, 2023 is 11387. This is about 4,1 % of the total population of the province of Värmland and equivalent to about 2,77 persons per square kilometre. The population is spread over the municipality as follows:
Areas within Torsby Municipality | 2023-12-31 | Change from 2022-12-31 |
Fryksände | 7022 | +25 |
Lekvattnet | 243 | +6 |
Vitsand | 625 | -9 |
Nyskoga | 65 | -3 |
Östmark | 851 | -14 |
Norra Finnskoga | 238 | -7 |
Södra Finnskoga | 241 | -12 |
Dalby | 1177 | +5 |
Norra Ny | 898 | -14 |
Remaining | 27 | +3 |
Total | 11 387 | -24 |
Like many other municipalities in the Swedish countryside, the population of Torsby has been decreasing slowly over the past years. This can be attributed to the fact that there have been fewer births than deaths among residents. Also, more people have moved away than have moved in (but not in Torsby this last year). In 2023, the difference was -24 persons.
The demographic developments in 2023 can be summarized as follows:
Change | Year 2023 |
Moved in | 487 |
Moved out | 432 |
Difference | +55 |
Births | 79 |
Deaths | 165 |
Difference | -86 |
Correction | +7 |
Total | -24 |
Innehållsansvarig: Annette Lauritzen
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