Torsby kommun
Torsby kommun

Social services

Services for the elderly and the disabled are provided through home services, day care and specially adapted housing. The Social Services Department also offers assistance to individuals and families who have financial or other problems.

Home services

Home service and home care is provided in order to give residents the possibility of leading a normal life as long as possible, in their own homes and adapted to their different requirements. Home services are customized in order to fulfill an actual need and can be reconsidered if conditions change, for the better or for the worse.

Nursing homes

About 200 residents are able to live in an specially adapted housing location. There are seven of these locations in the municipality. The municipality is liable, by law, to provide specially adapted housing for persons who are in need of care day and night and who are no longer able to stay in their own homes. An individual assessment is made for each case.

A dementia team, consisting of a nurse and assistants, is available for patients with dementia and provides support to relatives as well.

We work with volunteer organisations in order to establish meeting places and provide accompanying services for our clients.

Care for the disabled

The Law of Support and Service to the disabled (LSS) is aimed at giving residents entitled to LSS services more possibilities of personal development, an independent life and eventually becoming participants in society at large. Torsby Municipality maintains a well-developed rehabilitation programme consisting, amongst others, of group accommodations, daily activity programmes, personal assistance, student home activities and other activities in accordance with the LSS.

Individuals and families

The Social Services Committee ensures that all residents in the municipality can sustain a reasonable standard of living. Individuals and families who are in need of help can receive financial counselling and, if needed, financial assistance. Financial support is a “help to self-help” and is usually provided in case of unemployment and when other sources of support are lacking or inadequate.

The municipality can also provide for other forms of assistance, customized to the special needs of the individual or the family. Examples of cases suitable for assistance are families and individuals with drugs- or alcohol-related problems, adoption or child custody issues. The Social Services Committee is responsible by law to guarantee that children and adolescents can grow up under beneficial conditions. This means that the Social Services Department directs much of its efforts at prevention as well.

Torsby Municipality has an agreement with the Swedish Migration Department to accept 14 refugee children between the ages of 13 to 18 who arrived without relatives. The Social Services Department takes care of these children and has established, amongst other, a special home for their accommodation.


You are welcome to contact us if you wish to receive information about the services of the Social Services Department:

Visiting address: Vävaregatan 2 ("Björkarna"), Torsby

Postal address: Torsby kommun, 31. Socialkontoret, 685 80 Torsby

Tel: +46 560 162 00


Our staff at the reception desk will help you to get in touch with the right person.

Innehållsansvarig: Birgitta Nilsson
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