- Startsida torsby.se
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- / Local government
- / Public finances
- Valnämnden
- Telefon: +4656016066
- E-post: valn@torsby.se
- Postadress:
- Torsby kommun
- 1. Valnämnden
- 685 80 Torsby
- Besöksadress: Nya Torget 8, Torsby
- Helena West
- Administrativ chef
- Tfn: +4656016003
- Mobil: +46701040766
- E-post: helena.westh@torsby.se
- Besöksadress: Nya Torget 8, Torsby
Public finances
Here we explain more about the budget revenues and expenditures in Torsby, about the areas of responsibility of the municipality, and about municipal taxation.
Budget revenues
Swedish municipalities are responsible for a larger share of public financed services than in most other countries and they have the right to levy taxes to finance operations.
The largest source of revenue for the municipality is the municipal tax. The amount of tax revenues depends on a number of factors, such as the total amount of hours worked.
We also receive state “equalization” grants. These revenues consist of a general grant and some additional grants from the state. The general grant is a per capita grant and thus based on the number of residents in the municipality. This grant serves to compensate our municipality for the fact that we have lower tax revenues compared to other parts of Sweden. One third of the state grant provides compensation for additional costs due to structural differences in comparison with the rest of the country. Additional state grants compensate for maximum-taxation reforms within childcare and care of the elderly.
Additional revenues are derived from the charges for municipal services and property rental.
Tax rates 2024
Municipal tax...................22.02%
County tax........................11.68%
Church tax*.......................1.265-1.39%
Burial fee**........................0.277%
*Members of the Swedish Church pay church tax. The amount varies according to the parish one resides in.
**All taxpayers pay a burial fee.
Budget expenditures
The municipal services offered to residents in the form of education, child care and care for the elderly make up the largest part of the municipal expenditures. The municipality is also responsible for maintaining streets and roads, parks, water and sewers.
Other municipal services include e.g. fire and rescue services. In addition, Torsby Municipality sponsors cultural and recreational activities that contribute to making our municipality a pleasant place to live in.
Innehållsansvarig: Marianne O'Hare
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