Torsby kommun
Torsby kommun

Upper secondary school

The Stjerneskolan is Torsby's upper secondary school. Children who completed primary school can follow a three-year programme here. The Stjerneskolan is particularly known for its sports programmes.

Educational programmes

Pupils from the age of about 16 can choose between eight national programmes, each lasting three years:

  • Building and construction programme (BA)
  • Economics programme (EK)
  • Vehicle and transport programme (FT)
  • Business & administration programme (HA)
  • Industrial technology programme (IN)
  • Natural science programme (NA)
  • Social science programme (SA)
  • Technology program (TE)
  • Health and social care programme (VO)

The Stjerneskolan also provides education in a number of specialised programmes, such as racing mechanics, Cambridge English, and courses leading to a EU welding license.

The school is characterized by competent teachers and a committed and skilled staff. The education offered here will provide a good foundation for vocational activities or for further studies, as well as for personal development. It is located close to the public library, sport hall, indoor bath and many other sports facilities.

The medal factory

Present and former students of the Stjerneskolan have won over 120 medals in international sports championships. This is why our school is sometimes called “the medal factory”. As its specialty, the Stjerneskolan offers regular education combined with training in one of six different sports: alpine skiing, football, skicross, cross country skiing biathlon and moutainbike.

All these programmes are certified as nationally approved sports education (NIU) and cross-country and biathlon are graded as national sports gymnasiums (RIG). The sports gymnasium has access to a fully equipped test centre, the ski tunnel and two gyms, one for light exercise and one for heavier training.

In order to provide optimized opportunities for the students' development and education, these programmes are laid out over four years.

Other programmes

Apart from the national and specialised programmes, the school also offers introduction programmes and education for students with special needs or students who are mentally challenged.

For courses and training programmes at the Stjerneskolan directed at adults, go to Education for adults.

More information and contact

Visit Stjerneskolans website for continually updated information about our school (in Swedish). It also presents a good overview of the daily activities at the Stjerneskolan.

Visiting address: Fabriksgatan 3, Torsby

Mailing address: Torsby kommun, 60. Stjerneskolan, 685 80 Torsby

Tel. +46 560 160 00 (reception of the municipality)

Innehållsansvarig: Lucas Haraldsson
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