Torsby kommun
Torsby kommun

Business service

Are you considering starting a business in the Torsby district or do you already own a company here? The business development service of the municipality can help you develop your plans and make your business more profitable.

Free advice

The business development service of the municipality is TUAB, or Torsby Utveckling AB ("Torsby Development Ltd"). TUAB has been in operation since 1998 and is co-owned by Torsby Municipality and two local business associations.

The Torsby development service offers free advice, information and support to all new and existing small businesses in the district. When you contact TUAB, you can expect to receive answers to questions about your business plan, the financing or establishment of your business, licenses, project support opportunities and much more.

Apart from support to individual companies, TUAB arranges business meetings and education activities according to the needs of the local companies, and conducts projects to meet these needs.

Starting a business – information for immigrants

Are you considering starting a company or selling your services in Sweden? Foreign citizens wishing to start their own company in Sweden are subject to different rules depending on whether they are citizens of a Nordic country, citizens of another EU/EEA country or citizens of a non-EU/EEA country.

More information on starting a business in Sweden

Municipal business development manager

Eva Larsson is the municipal business development manager. Contact Eva regarding issues concerning investment, business establishment and applications for grands and funds for businesses, regionally and nationally. She will guide companies and act as a coordinator when there are several municipal departments involved in an assignment.

Eva Larsson is also the person to contact if you are looking for available office space or a site for your company or industry.


Torsby Utveckling AB

Director: Anna-Lena Carlsson

Business advisors: Anna-Lena Carlsson, Ingela Bönström Brusgård

Visiting address: Tingshuset, Järnvägsgatan 9, Torsby

Office in Sysslebäck: Torget 5, Sysslebäck

Tel. +46 560 166 49 or +46 560 166 45




Business manager at Torsby kommun: Eva Larsson

Visiting adress: Nya Torget 8, Torsby

Tel. +46 560 160 12


Innehållsansvarig: Anna-Lena Carlsson
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