Torsby kommun
Torsby kommun


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  • Evelina Palm
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Torsby Butterfly Park

Blommor och fjärilar

In the center of Torsby, south of Herrgårdsparken, east of COOP, the municipality is working on a new park area. The purpose is to create an attractive place for our local inhabitants, as well as our visiting tourists and also for meadow flowers, insects and birds.

This is the location of the new park

The planned area measures approximately 0,5 hectar (30 x 180 meter), bordering Gräsmarksvägen in the north and a forest ravine in the south.

Map showing where the Butterfly Park will be located

This is the location of Torsby Butterfly Park, under construction, ready in the autumn of 2023.

A short project history

The area was, earlier, just an open grass field. The work has begun with the construction of a park area with trees, bushes and flowers. It will also be furnished with birdhouses and more.

A setting with more species and varied environment

By reshaping parts of the area into meadowland and planting trees and bushes we will establish a setting for more species of life and a more varied environment. New nesting spots for pollinators, in sand-beds and insect hotels, will be provided in the park. The existing forest ravines and nearby nature areas will be left untouched in order to preserve established nature values.

With the purpose of inspiring others, the municipality will provide signs with information about what the visitor her/himself can do to better the environment for insects.

Construction timetable

The work was done in stages and during parts of this time the area, or parts of it, may be closed off to the public.

The work began in the summer of 2022 and continued in the autumn of 2023 and spring of 2024.

The time for inauguration was in the summer of 2024.

Infosigns in the park

In the park there is several infosign, here you can read them in English.

Local nature protection projects

The new park is a, so called, LONA-project.

LONA stands for LOcal NAture protection project and is a grant that can be applied for from the Swedish Environment Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) and is aimed at the promotion of public health and nature care and protection.

Our project aim is to support wild pollinators and promote public health.

Construction costs are covered by 50 % LONA-grants (SEK 475 500) and 50% municipal labour input.

Looking for more information?

If you are interested in getting more information about our project, please contact municipal architect Evelina Palm at or 0560-160 20.

Innehållsansvarig: Evelina Palm
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